We find Pool Leaks that some others can't We are 1 of Long Island's finest Leak Detection companies

  • Types of
    Pool Leaks
  • Repair or
  • Experience
  • Other

Pool Leak types and causes

Typically a swimming pool's age, is the main cause of Pool Leak problems.

Other causes are poor construction techniques, improper winterization of pipes, ground settlement that just breaks a pipe, liner gets brittle and loses its elasticity which can easily rip or get a hole. Skimmers start to pull away from Gunite Pools and cause Leakage too. Termites cause a lot of damage too --> whether its them eating thru the liner or a certain type of piping (Flex PVC) probably thousands of Long Island Pools have termite problems.

  • For Liner Pools - Holes due sometimes due to lack of elasticity. Holes also develop due to aggressive brushing, termites, or a pool vac. We can patch those Leaks.
  • Pipe Leaks - Can happen too, due to age, termites, improper winterizing or even improper construction techniques during the initial building of the pool. We find those hidden Leaks for your Pool Co. to repair.
  • Gunite/Concrete Pools - mostly have Leaks around the skimmers - where they start to pull away from the pool over time. Also, they can develop cracks in the structure or around any penetrations like the jets or lights etc. We can stop Leaks underwater including minor gaps or small cracks.
  • Light Leaks - Can happen in both vinyl liner or gunite pools. We can confirm or determine with dye if there are any light Leaks we can subsequently repair. Light Leaks can be sealed with epoxy.


By dye testing suspicious areas of the pool we can determine the source of the Leak

With the Leak identified we proceed with the needed repairs - for your pool.

Whether it's a liner pool that needs a hole patched or sealing Leaking gaskets at stairs, skimmers or main or light Leaks (in a liner or Gunite pool) or minor gunite cracks can be repaired with epoxy, we will STOP the Leak.

Ater the underwater repairs you can monitor the pool for the next 7 days and most importantly we ask that you verify there no additional water loss in the pool. If we missed something inside the pool during our dive, we will be back at no additional cost to you.

When should you consider replacing your Vinyl Liner

The Liner is 10+ years old

The liner is very faded - which might indicate the Liner is aged or brittle

The Liner has lost its elasticity making it susceptible to damage (actually cracking) or difficult for anyone to repair

Money is not an issue and you just like the look of a new liner

OR If a Plumbing leak is suspected

We start with a basic pressure test. We don't stop there though: the hard part is finding it & that is what we specialize in. We will find it electronically with some of the best equipment there is. We use superior sound/listening equipment as well as helium detectors to aid in the finding the Leak with precision. Who cares what kind of great equipment we have? It all boils down to what Long Island Companies will offer assurances they will find the Leak or they charge $0? Is there other companies (besides Pool Pro) that will guarantee to locate your Leaks? - not that we know of.

When should you consider replacing the Pipes

If you are considering getting a new patio/pavers soon

If there is flex PVC piping that already has past termite damage

If the distance from the equip. to the pool is short & would require little re-piping

If a re-pipe can be accomplished by disturbing only a small amount of patio/pavers - (primarily route around the patio - just under earth for example)

Experience Matters

Do u think the avg. Pool Company can find a Leak as well as a Leak Detection Company with 25 yrs. experience? It's really not important, as long as your company has a similar policy as ours

It's pretty important to us to determine which service you need ahead of time & try hard not to charge you for an unnecessary dive or pressure test.

We try very hard to give you the most accurate/honest feedback, even if it takes a couple of phone conversations to get the info we need before we come out and do some testing. Sometimes we will talk ourselves out of a job by suggesting you get your liner or pipes replaced and forget about our Pool Leak Detection. WE WILL NEVER SUGGEST A PIPE OR LINER REPLACEMENT THAT WE BELIEVE IS NOT NEEDED, but unfortunately sometimes a replacement is needed.

Pool Co's we like
to work with:

for service, cleaning, new liners or perform pipe repairs (once we find the pipe Leak) etc.

Aquabella - Miller Place - 631-408-5975 -
servicing Miller Place to Melville to Manorville

Bilt Rite - Commack - 631-499-6787 -
servicing central Long Island - Ronkonkoma to Merrick

Franks Pools - Brentwood - 631-949-4986 -
servicing Manorville to Massapequa to Merrick

Cavalier Pools - Farmingdale - 631-393-0999 -
servicing Melville to Massapequa to Merrick

Pool Dr. -East Northport - 631-368-1500 -
servicing form Syosset to Stony Brook

Pool Solutions - Bay Shore - 631-428-2590 -
servicing Melville to Moriches to Massapequa

Pool Builder/Pavers
Joe Natale - Melville - 631-692-0604
servicing central Long Island